

Hey everyone! I know I'm not active on this blog anymore. I kind of wish that I stuck my new content on here since I have a small following, but I second guessed myself. So now there's a new blog! Please go to this blog for recent updates:

It's been a joy writing on this blog while I could AND while I was a young college kid! There's some amazing posts here that I just can't delete the blog, ya know? There's even a post from the first day I met my husband! Say what? So will I use this blog in the future? Probably not. But who knows! The school blog is still in action too since I'm an online college student, but not as consistent:

Thank you everyone for following along! I hope you still decide to stick around on my new blog :)


some updates!

This semester of school has been amazing! I'm learning so much! Especially from my art classes... is that even possible? I've taken many art classes in high school.
Principles of design, PARC-F, shape analysis... stuff I can apply to websites!

If you want to see my progress, projects, and designs I make for these classes (and spiritual posts for my online New Testament)..
PLEASE go to:


And when you check it out, PLEASE comment! It doesn't have to be much.
It would mean the world to me! The more you comment, the more likely other people will view it.

I know I said I probably won't write much more on this blog. This was kind of my... test drive... my little Freshman blog, so to say. But I'll do more personal stuff here until the new blog is establish.

And that's a wrap!


so... it seems we are at an impasse

I want to make this blog very pretty, cleaver, and overall amazing.
I don't like complaining about systems, but I'll let you know there hasn't been much changes because I can't.
If it was a code thing, graphic, then I would be able to progress but it's more than that. So that's what kills me. 

Here's my proposal:
 * I haven't changed my domain name yet, so I can start a whole new blog with that name.
* Or keep it up on this blog, but if I did I won't feel as obligated because there's issues I can't solve.

If I did a new blog then my previous posts wouldn't be there. But there could be worse issues with starting completely over.

Just letting you know what's on my blogging mind.


a bit more rustic sounding

I love music. Who doesn't?
In the past I've shared some of my favorite songs whenever I can fit it in one of my posts. But, I got the idea from Rylee to post some of my playlists on my blog!

These are the songs I could just sit on the grass and tune out the world. Not particular songs you can rock out too, but something more relaxing but at the same time beautiful. Most of the songs are Mumford & Sons and Lumineers, so if you don't like their kind of music then I suggest skipping this first playlist.
I highly recommend the first two songs at least. But. Really all of them are great.

I tried looking for a particular band on spotify, but no luck (they are not a known group).
So I will link a YouTube link, but know their songs belong in this playlist
